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Musica Ricercata
accessibility | sitemap

musica ricercata

Structure of the Website

These pages have been created according to XHTML1.0 standard (WCAG1.0 guidelines of WAI-Web Accessibility initiative, W3C) and use DTD Strict. All elements have been used in accordance to the specifications published.
Any suggestion and advice is welcome and may be sent to musica@musicaricercata.it.

Customize graphic layout

In order to simplify navigation, the Website offers three different types of layout: “graphic”, the standard version; “text only”, a version with only text on a clear background; and “sharp contrast”, a version with a white text on a black ground:

Keyboard navigation

Each of the principle links has an access for navigation without using the mouse. For Windows such access keys function by holding down the ALT key while pressing the access key and, after releasing both, pressing ENTER. For Macintosh one has to hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the access key.
Access keys valid for every page of the Website are:

As soon as one of the four main sections opens up, one can navigate within that section by pressing a, b or c. These letters, thus, function only within the context of each section. Every section is divided in three subpages:

Using the keyboard it is also possible to move back and forth within a series of pages that have been consulted, pressing the arrow keys: