While going back in history and performing a musical repertory of distant epochs, the interpreter becomes more and more also a composer. The rhythm of troubadour melodies must be defined anew, their songs, as well as those of Hellenistic and Roman times, need to be enriched by the sound of accompanying instruments. Renaissance music has to be transcribed, many a time the musician will have to make decisions about necessary (or unnecessary) accidental signs, in order to accommodate to the ‘musica ficta’ practice of the time. Baroque music without ornaments can be meaningless. The modern interpreter of historic music, thus, writes before he sings or plays. This, of course, applies even more for compositions of the classical period that we arranged for different chamber music ensembles. This page lists some of our arrangements. Those interested may request free PDF copies of the musical scores by sending an email with a brief description of their musical activity and the email address to which the score should be sent.


Composer Title Ensemble Arrangement
Michael Stüve Hellenika - Frammenti musicali e Arie dell'Antichità solisti, coro e orchestra Michael Stüve (2022)
Anonimo Canzone devozionale "Maria durch ein Dornwald ging" violino solo Michael Stüve (2022)
Wolgang Amadeus Mozart Flauto magico - Ouverture due violini Michael Stüve (2021)
Ludwig van Beethoven Sanctus-Benedictus dalla Missa solemnis, op. 123 tre voci e sestetto d'archi Michael Stüve (2021)
Ludwig van Beethoven Ouverture 'La consacrazione della casa', op. 124 sestetto d'archi Michael Stüve (2020)
Franz Schubert Moment musical in do maggiore, op. 94 n. 1 violino solo Michael Stüve (2024)
Johann Strauss Valzer 'Storielle dal bosco viennese', op 325 violino-viola Michael Stüve (2019)
Johann Strauss Valzer 'Storielle dal bosco viennese', op 325 trio d'archi Michael Stüve (2019)
Max Reger Poema sinfonico 'L'eremita violinista', OP. 128 N. 1 sestetto d'archi Michael Stüve (2020)
Hans Pfitzner Preludio al primo atto dell'opera Palestrina sestetto d'archi Michael Stùve (2020)
Giacomo Puccini Romanza "O mio babbino caro" soprano e quartetto d'archi Michael Stüve (2019)
William Bolcom The Graceful Ghost Rag violino-viola Michael Stüve (2020)